Saturday, 20 July 2013

Where do I find my coupons?

The most common questions I am asked is "where do you get so many coupons?" My short answer is online and from the news paper.
Now if your looking to start saving money with coupons, that's not going to help you very much, but to be honest, that's already more than what I started with. When I decided I was going to start couponing, Google was my best friend. I researched everything I could that was Canadian coupon related.
I get my coupons 2 ways, in the mail and from the newspaper. I used to print them as well but I ran out of ink for my printer and haven't bothered picking up more yet. Not all places will accept printed coupons so I guess I just haven't worried to much about it.
I'm going to share 4 websites that have help me get started. I now follow many more, but these 4 will help you get started.
There are 4 main sites I use for ordering coupons. I at least 2 logins for each site, one in my name and one in my husband's, so I can order at least 2 of each coupon available. Once I order the coupons they are mailed to me and I get them within a week or two. The 4 sites I use for ordering mail out coupons are:

The last website I am going to share is a website of a fellow couponer. Her website has a lot of helpful information. I also follow other websites but this is one of the main ones. As well as a website she also has a group on Facebook which I follow more regularly. On her Facebook page she will share links to "hidden" coupons, contests and deal alerts. Her website is:
The last thing I am going to mention is coupon trading. Just recently I have joined a Moncton Coupon Trading group on Facebook. Most of the time I end up with a lot of coupons that I will never use and not enough of the ones I use regular. Through this group I am able to trade my unwanted coupons for the ones that I want.
So that's it for tonight! Stay tuned, I'm planning a "coupon trip"  this week and am planning on getting some great deals! I'll update with how I made out!

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